TeleCheck Eclipse Quartet

The TeleCheck Eclipse Quartet terminal or also known as the TeleCheck Machine eliminates the need for merchants to have different devices in processing variety of payment types. The Eclipse authorizes and handles checks, credit and debit cards and EBT transactions in a single compact terminal. Having the multi processing POS device frees valuable counter space.
The Eclipse also supports the TeleCheck Electronic Check Acceptance (ECA) service. This particular method converts checks in paper into a digitally-readable data that can be process at the POS. This is the perfect terminal for merchants who need to avoid getting ripped off by bad checks. This possible fraudulent act can be prevented by verifying the check on the spot, converting the data to digital form and deposit the money directly to the merchant’s account.
The Eclipse includes check reader, inkjet printer, dual-track magnetic stripe reader to create a powerful integrated terminal. The touch-screen functionality and ultra-bright display makes it easy to operate the terminal. It handles a sufficient number of check and credit card transactions thus generating a complete efficient data reporting.